
It’s not just Donald Trump who shifts the truth, Canada’s politicians have been using alternative facts for years

It’s easy for Canadians to feel smug when comparing our political discourse to the crisis of so-called “alternative facts” in the U.S., but politicians in Canada have been spreading alt-facts for decades, argues Chantal Hébert in this Toronto Star article.

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“Trump effect” sends Canadians’ trust in institutions plummeting

Trust in Canadian civil institutions has fallen to its lowest level in 17 years. This Huffington Post Canada article explains how this can be linked both to our neighbours to the south and a “global trust crisis.”

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U of T research shows Canada is not immune to anti-immigration movements

A new poll suggests “Canadians are not exceptional when it comes to tolerance of refugees and immigrants, and that there is potential here for the same level of xenophobia experienced in Europe and the U.S.”

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What does it take to be Canadian? Opinions vary by age, political leaning

As debates over accepting immigrants and refugees rage in countries around the world, this Pew Research Centre poll breaks down how people in different countries view what it takes to be “one of them.”

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